


PROA PROJETOS E ENGENHARIA LTDA., localized in Itajaí, Santa Catarina, has years of experience in the elaboration of marine engineering projects, either as certified or classified vessels, from conception to the detailing of all stages of construction (structure, piping, electrical, accessories and finishing).

The construction of a vessel involves high investment and is often initiated without adequate support from a company and professionals specialized in marine engineering. This can be very expensive in the end!

Doing a contract whit our company you will guaranty that your requirement are achieved, as hold capacity, passengers capacity, autonomy always whit the best and lower cost solutions.

We already have a large experience in transformations designs taking an existent ship and doing modifications to a new kind of operations, in addition we has judicial expertise and economic-financial assessments.

PROA scopes are also project updates for release purposes by the Maritime Authority, with a survey of current conditions and analysis in relation to the rules and standards (NORMAMs).

Get in touch and we will present the best solutions.

PROA’s senior designer has extensive experience in the areas of Design and Shipbuilding. ANDRÉ LUIZ PIMENTEL LEITE DA SILVA, is a Naval Engineer, graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in 1973, registered at CREA-SC under number 12107-6. He held the position of Manager at Caneco and Ebin Shipyards, in Rio de Janeiro and Corena, in Itajaí / SC. Presented works at national congresses at the Brazilian Society of Naval Engineering in Rio de Janeiro and internationally at the Pan American Institute of Naval Engineering in Caracas.

He has several courses abroad (Sweden, Holland, Germany and USA) of engines, salvage equipment and hydrodynamics. Valuation expert having already worked for several banks insurance companies, Sul América, Bradesco and the Forums of Itajaí, Balneário Camboriú and Curitiba. He owns the engineering company PROA Projetos e Engenharia Ltda. and overhaul and maintenance of rescue equipment SURVISUL Equipamentos de Salvatagem Ltda., established in this city.